A student failing twice in the same class disqualifies himself/herself for further studies in the school.
The school reserves the right to ask the parents to withdraw their child if his/her progress in studies is unsatisfactory, his/her attendance is irregular, his/ her conduct is harmful to others.
The fees are charged throughout the year and it has to be paid as long as the pupil's name is on rolls.
Parents will kindly keep the receipts, issued to them and produce them in proof of payment if needed.
Money once remitted will not be refunded.
All leaves must be obtained in advance.
Application for leave should be sent to the Principal stating the reason, the period for and the student's name, class and Roll No. consecutive days
Students absenting themselves from the school for five without due permission shall have their names struck off the rolls.
In case a child is absent for 15 days without any intimation, a reminder will be sent. If no reply is received within a period of 15 days, the child's name will be struck off from the school roll.
No student is permitted to leave school during the school hours unless it is sanctioned 24 hours in advance. However, you may contact the office only in the case of an emergency.